Saturday, June 30, 2012

sometimes I just need a coffee/ beer break

When you are experiencing a job burnout or sick of those selfish people at work, sometimes you just need a coffee/ beer break to cool down yourself.

I did not see any recession at those overcrowded coffee shops to be honest. Compare to Starbucks, agnes b. Cafe does not have many choices on the menu, but the dining atmosphere is better. Just my opinion! 

After a coffee break, Ffion and I went to BAGSTAgE and found this shop was offering a huge discount on several items, so I got 50% off on my BERACAMY PARIS Gavotte mini! Yayyyyy

Taiwan Beer got new flavors on sale! Pineapple and mango. Cosiya said pineapple flavored one was more tasty, so I decided to give it a try. 

Cosiya was right, it tasted really good and more natural. I heard people said the mango flavored one tasted pretty "artificial", maybe I will try it someday when I have a chance.  

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