Saturday, May 19, 2012

Random things that make me happy

So far I don't have many audiences viewing this blog, which it's alright because I still have my boyfriend and some friends/colleagues supporting me. I love you guys! One of the reasons I really like about Blogger is it is not so commerical like the writers are paid to write good things about the products.

My colleague Cosiya is on vacation in Bangkok and will resume to work on Wednesday. I kinda miss her but I am excited too, 'cos she's going to bring back a lot of snacks! So last night I drew something for her.

She told me Swesens in Bangkok was pretty cheap, I hope she can have much ice cream 'cos she has a sweet tooth, and she can always have dessert after lunch/dinner like she has another stomach.

I did not do a good job on the cream part, it looks pretty "soft". If you have an idea how to make liquid cream soild, you must know what I am talking about.

Thursday night I made this drawing while watching the movie "Orphan". Nothing related, I was just obsessed with the color "Tiffany Blue", which was pretty much like a lighter tone of robin-egg blue. Actually I kinda failed drawing the bow, it looked like nothing it should have been. (sigh)

Today David sent me a picture he took on the way to Panama City, Florida. He posted it on Facebook and it amused many people. That made me miss the States even more, like you can have such little surprises anytime over there, and also, the people are eazy to be excited, which I like a lot. I think it's part of their nature. (smile) 

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