Sunday, June 30, 2013

indie girl's life - bored then you started drawing

As a non-professional artist, it is a torture when you do not have anything to do at work and you just cannot make any drawing, because you are AT WORK. This is what I have been suffering from during this low season. Thank God it finally comes to the beginning of the month, then I got a lot of monthly statements to check on. This is just something in my nature, I like to keep myself busy.

I was addicted to flamingo.

Monster University was hilarious and I enjoyed it a lot! I was a little bit worried before I saw the movie, 'cause the sequel or the prequel was always(well maybe not always) not as good. But Monster University is definitely worth you buying a ticket to see it in the theater. 

And yes, I went shopping again. Doesn't every fashion blogger take pictures of the unwrapped/unboxed stuff they bought? 

I paid nearly $100 for this makeup bag, crazy I know. I am kinda addicted to French fashion brands: Manoush, Les Nereides, Paul & Joe SISTER...

graphite pencil

I had been spending a whole week studying how to make a portrait: the eye details... And I decided to make a portrait, well a half one, of my favorite actress Rooney Mara.  

graphite pencil

I tried to make a full portrait of Amanda Seyfried, but I failed on drawing the right shape of the face 'cause I did not get the right angle. Sigh, I gotta make another one. Sorry Amanda! 

graphite pencil

The first portrait of my baby. He's adorable isn't he? Surprisingly I did not spend a lot of time drawing this(about 10 mins), I guess it is because we've been living together for over 10 years, and I do know him very well. 

graphite pencil + water soluble color pencil

I drew this for my colleague Cosiya, because she likes baking and always gets a lot of LEMONS at work. Oh I said I would never draw whipped creams with complicated textures, these are what I would do. 

If anyone is reading this, I hope you enjoy my artworks and murmur. I may not speak good English because I speak MANDARIN CHINESE and I have NEVER NEVER and NEVER studied overseas. 

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