Tuesday, June 18, 2013

indie girl's diary - happy only when I am...


Again, it was too hot to draw, and too hard to write. Though I've been thinking about getting a job in Singapore but I still cannot imagine me living in a tropical country. 

Not much going on recently, except for the staff cutback here. It looks like there isn't a solution to survive the disaster, we can only wait until the execution to be taken place. I try to be optimistic and look on the bright side, just get a lot of money and move on with my life, period! 


Another quick sketch during my lunch break. Well, life is hard just keep calm and do whatever makes you happy.(things that are legal of course)

So I decided to get the JILL STUART necklace I wanted. I know, I know I have spent a lot of money recently. But come on, it was the very last one in the department store and had my name on it. 

Isn't it beautiful? I did not get the gold one so it was pretty affordable in a big name brand. 

I am a big fan of designer accessories, for the quality's sake I suppose; but it is always fun to look for cute items in the fast-fashion shops.  This is what I got from Accessorize in Amsterdam back in 2011. 

I will go to Paris eventually, I swear. However, what stopped me going to this beautiful city are the city's disorder, high criminal rate and the Gypsy! No offensive, but those are actually big issues to me.  I do not want to get robbed or injured during my trip, which I had been saving up for in the past few years.  


Oh, I made a quick sketch for my good friend Cass for her birthday. I know the icing doesn't look...right. What can I say? I only got 40 mins, one pencil and poor skills. 

 Enough bitching for today! Ciao

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