Sunday, June 2, 2013

indie girl's diary - little surprise in the spoon


Yes, two suckers for ice cream have resumed their "ice cream night" from last Saturday.
This is what my colleague/friend Cosiya and I do together in the end of every month. (Or every end of a month? Whatever!)


This is what I had: Lemon Sorbet and their anniversary flavor, which I can't remember the name. Both were pretty tasty, and suprisingly, not too sweet! The anniversary one tasted a little bit minty like candy cane.
It was nice to see the little surprises hiding in the ice cream - strawberry chocolate stars.   
watercolor + ink
I tried to make a drawing of the ice cream I had on Saturday, but I was too tired in the afternoon and the drawing turned out to be really, really bad. So on the next day, I made another one in the morning after breakfast.  

When you had enough bulls*its and bad lucks in your life, the good lucks come to you.

I was lucky enough to get a free drink in grande size at any Starbucks branches(in Taiwan) once I filled out an online questionnaire. To celebrite it, I made another drawing on Sunday.

watercolor + ink
It was my first time drawing coffee bubbles, I know they don't look so good because failed to mix the colors right. Need more exercise! Need more exercise!
acrylic color
My mom's artwork, totally different from my style.
I've been pursuading my mom to do more artworks, that way we can start an art blog. But she has been focusing on gardening recently, well, I hope this "new hobby" will last longer.
New member in the office - dragon fruit shoots.

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