Sunday, June 23, 2013

indie girl's diary - enterovirus, cats cafe and more

Yea yea yea, I've been suffering from enterovirus. Everybody said it could only happen to kids, apparently it was an incorrect information. I am TWENTY-EIGHT years old, and definitely not a kid!

A lot of things going on during the weekend.

Sidney and I went to the cats cafe.

We were lucky(and smart) enough to choose the bar stools, and we got all the cats. 

The food and drink were so so, luckily the cafe did not smell like cats, so I guess I will be back. 

This is Deborah Lippmann's new color, and it has a beautiful name "Mermaid's Kiss". Got mine at Breeze Center, however, when I got home I had blisters on my fingers. Damn enterovirus!

Bluebell is not going to carry this brand, so the stores were trying to clean out all the stocks, and voila - I got my very first Anya Hindmarch pouch! And yes, "I LOVE YOU". 


I have no idea how this bird has become so popular over these years, they are EVERYWHERE in our life: movies, instagram photos, accessories, apparel... I decided to draw one, a realistic one first. 

The bird feathers were annoying me, because I had never drawn a bird before and I had no idea how to make them look right. In the end(after looking at a hundred picture of flamingo), I had mom held one of our Cocktails and looked at his feathers and textures carefully. (good birdie!) 


I was too lazy to make another drawing, but mom said since I could not go out(because of the damn enterovirus) and I needed exercise, why not just make another drawing? 

So I drew this. I swear to God, I would never draw a pastry with whipped cream topping. Well, I will still do the ones with simple textures. 

I don't know if I picked the wrong picture or something(probably the enterovirus), the puff on the bottom looks so...small and...flat. Should I draw another one? Ugh

Stay happy and healthy! Ciao

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