Wednesday, April 24, 2013

indie's girl's diary - no contact no pain

He finally deleted me on Facebook.

I always knew this would happen sooner or later, but I believe in the long run this is the best for both of us. Maybe like everyone said it is a process, but damn it still hurts! I told myself as long as it could help me actually let go of him, I would get over it eventually, that way I wouldn't hold a little hope, wishing him to come back to me.

I made the worse mistake a woman could make after a bad breakup, I tried to be a good friend and talked to him like I usually did. However, as soon as I saw him make fun of me by showing our conversation to his friends, my kindness turned into hate. He did not show the whole conversation on his Facebook wall, but from the comments they made under his status, he did show them the conversation. Well I am glad they enjoyed it, because there will no more.

Surprisingly he noticed that I had deleted all the pictures of him(well it was not difficult to find yourself missing hundreds of pictures on Facebook), and sent me a message telling me how I made him look bad in front of my friends by downplaying the bad things I had done to him. Apparently, after all these he still did not realized why I was mean and mad at him more and more often in the 3rd year of the relationshop. Yes, it was awesome to have someone who likes same things as you do, but we all need to be mature adults when it is necessary.

Yes I was a bitch, and I could not ignore him being unmotivated when he did not even have a real job, I could not ignore him not eating healthy when he was suffering from body pains, and I could not stay in a long distance relationship forever and have fun without boredom and worries.

You guys need to listen to this!(finger points to men) When a woman is ready to spend the rest of her life with you, she would give up everything, hold your hand and overcome whatever you confront. So put your God damn ego aside and listen to her! And do not expect she will be smiling while listening to your old love story with some Thai woman. (no offense! this just happened in my case)

Enough venting for today.


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