Thursday, April 25, 2013

indie girl's diary - time to heal your broken heart

Enough of mourning and now it's about time to refresh myself.

I believe the best way to heal a broken heart is to make oneself look pretty, so, I decided to start from make-up.

Aside from keeping to your diet, you need to improve your make-up skills too. Watch a few make-up tutorials on YouTube, take notes and prepare the materials you need. 

Do not abandon yourself! Being self-loathing will not make anything better, but only make yourself look pathetic! To show him what he's missing, you need to make yourself prettier and sexier,  this will help you build up your confidence. 

If your financial condition is well enough, doing a little shopping for yourself is always pleasant and definitely help! 

In the past three years, I had been trying to save any penny I earned, so that I could buy stuff for him and fly all the way from Taiwan to visit him in the United States. I always knew I could have an easy life if I wasn't in a long-distance relationship, so now, it's time to reward myself. 

I had always wanted to have a ballerina charm necklace from Les Nereides. Ironically, the first thing I ever got from Les Nereides was a beautiful brooch for my ex's mother. No regret! I am just happy I could finally get something I wanted so badly for MYSELF from Les Nereides. 

Something cute but considered a waste of money. Well, I think I need them and I can afford them! 

And, it was nice to spoil yourself from a diet plan with some cute dessert. 

No, I am not bitching about what I had suffered if you wondered. In fact, I am moving on and trying to have a better life that I deserved. It is not healthy to grieve over the breakup, because he doesn't care! 

Hope you found them helpful. 


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