Thursday, April 25, 2013

indie girl's diary - a dream that is leading me to ??

This morning I woke up from a dream that I was traveling in Germany. As a typical superstitious Asian woman, I couldn't help but wonder, was this dream going to lead me to somewhere or something?

Back in the year of 2011, I had a chance to attend the biggest travel fair in Berlin, Germany. I did not have much time touring in this beautiful city because it was a business trip. Honestly, it was really frustrating when you were in a long distance relationship and did not have the budget to travel in Europe, not to mention your man was not into anything about Europe.

Berlin is calling me! I checked the prices and found the ticket really affordable, it would be even better if I could crash at my friend's place.

I guess I need to make a plan and enjoy the time of being single before I get into another relationship.


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