Sunday, June 30, 2013

indie girl's life - bored then you started drawing

As a non-professional artist, it is a torture when you do not have anything to do at work and you just cannot make any drawing, because you are AT WORK. This is what I have been suffering from during this low season. Thank God it finally comes to the beginning of the month, then I got a lot of monthly statements to check on. This is just something in my nature, I like to keep myself busy.

I was addicted to flamingo.

Monster University was hilarious and I enjoyed it a lot! I was a little bit worried before I saw the movie, 'cause the sequel or the prequel was always(well maybe not always) not as good. But Monster University is definitely worth you buying a ticket to see it in the theater. 

And yes, I went shopping again. Doesn't every fashion blogger take pictures of the unwrapped/unboxed stuff they bought? 

I paid nearly $100 for this makeup bag, crazy I know. I am kinda addicted to French fashion brands: Manoush, Les Nereides, Paul & Joe SISTER...

graphite pencil

I had been spending a whole week studying how to make a portrait: the eye details... And I decided to make a portrait, well a half one, of my favorite actress Rooney Mara.  

graphite pencil

I tried to make a full portrait of Amanda Seyfried, but I failed on drawing the right shape of the face 'cause I did not get the right angle. Sigh, I gotta make another one. Sorry Amanda! 

graphite pencil

The first portrait of my baby. He's adorable isn't he? Surprisingly I did not spend a lot of time drawing this(about 10 mins), I guess it is because we've been living together for over 10 years, and I do know him very well. 

graphite pencil + water soluble color pencil

I drew this for my colleague Cosiya, because she likes baking and always gets a lot of LEMONS at work. Oh I said I would never draw whipped creams with complicated textures, these are what I would do. 

If anyone is reading this, I hope you enjoy my artworks and murmur. I may not speak good English because I speak MANDARIN CHINESE and I have NEVER NEVER and NEVER studied overseas. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

indie girl's diary - enterovirus, cats cafe and more

Yea yea yea, I've been suffering from enterovirus. Everybody said it could only happen to kids, apparently it was an incorrect information. I am TWENTY-EIGHT years old, and definitely not a kid!

A lot of things going on during the weekend.

Sidney and I went to the cats cafe.

We were lucky(and smart) enough to choose the bar stools, and we got all the cats. 

The food and drink were so so, luckily the cafe did not smell like cats, so I guess I will be back. 

This is Deborah Lippmann's new color, and it has a beautiful name "Mermaid's Kiss". Got mine at Breeze Center, however, when I got home I had blisters on my fingers. Damn enterovirus!

Bluebell is not going to carry this brand, so the stores were trying to clean out all the stocks, and voila - I got my very first Anya Hindmarch pouch! And yes, "I LOVE YOU". 


I have no idea how this bird has become so popular over these years, they are EVERYWHERE in our life: movies, instagram photos, accessories, apparel... I decided to draw one, a realistic one first. 

The bird feathers were annoying me, because I had never drawn a bird before and I had no idea how to make them look right. In the end(after looking at a hundred picture of flamingo), I had mom held one of our Cocktails and looked at his feathers and textures carefully. (good birdie!) 


I was too lazy to make another drawing, but mom said since I could not go out(because of the damn enterovirus) and I needed exercise, why not just make another drawing? 

So I drew this. I swear to God, I would never draw a pastry with whipped cream topping. Well, I will still do the ones with simple textures. 

I don't know if I picked the wrong picture or something(probably the enterovirus), the puff on the bottom looks so...small and...flat. Should I draw another one? Ugh

Stay happy and healthy! Ciao

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

indie girl's diary - happy only when I am...


Again, it was too hot to draw, and too hard to write. Though I've been thinking about getting a job in Singapore but I still cannot imagine me living in a tropical country. 

Not much going on recently, except for the staff cutback here. It looks like there isn't a solution to survive the disaster, we can only wait until the execution to be taken place. I try to be optimistic and look on the bright side, just get a lot of money and move on with my life, period! 


Another quick sketch during my lunch break. Well, life is hard just keep calm and do whatever makes you happy.(things that are legal of course)

So I decided to get the JILL STUART necklace I wanted. I know, I know I have spent a lot of money recently. But come on, it was the very last one in the department store and had my name on it. 

Isn't it beautiful? I did not get the gold one so it was pretty affordable in a big name brand. 

I am a big fan of designer accessories, for the quality's sake I suppose; but it is always fun to look for cute items in the fast-fashion shops.  This is what I got from Accessorize in Amsterdam back in 2011. 

I will go to Paris eventually, I swear. However, what stopped me going to this beautiful city are the city's disorder, high criminal rate and the Gypsy! No offensive, but those are actually big issues to me.  I do not want to get robbed or injured during my trip, which I had been saving up for in the past few years.  


Oh, I made a quick sketch for my good friend Cass for her birthday. I know the icing doesn't look...right. What can I say? I only got 40 mins, one pencil and poor skills. 

 Enough bitching for today! Ciao

Sunday, June 9, 2013

indie girl's diary - little purple orchid plant

My love for pink and blue. Fyi, when I was kid I thought Kiki and Lala were a couple. Then I realized it could not be possible because they were also called "Little Twin Stars".  

I think my mom's garden fever is infectious. Friday after work, I got me an orchid plant at Sogo. 

Cute isn't it? I ain't a sucker for gardening but this cute little thing caught my attention at this tiring, humid, boring Friday night. One cool thing about orchid plants is, you really don't need to do a lot of work with it. 

watercolor + ink

I was too lazy to draw the whole plant, but I will make another drawing when it's in full bloom. Drawing flowers is way more difficult than I thought, definitely needs more exercises. 

This is my colleague Agnes' cat MuiMui(meaning little sister in Cantonese), which is a 12-yr-old Scottish Fold.


I have never draw a cat before, except for Garfield. Saturday night before going to sleep, I looked at MuiMui's picture and had this idea popped up in my head. 

"Why not give it a shot?"

So I made this portrait and, it didn't look too bad. :) 

Best thing to start off a day perfectly! I got my book order on Saturday morning. 

I believe there are more to appreciate in an art book if you are actually drawing, not just looking and talking about the artworks. 

Talking about artists' works does not make you an art critic if you do not know about the skills, materials and tools well enough. It only makes you a fan, or a hater. 

Gotta go back to work! Ciao

Btw, Hangover 3 is hilarious. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

indie girl's diary - little surprise in the spoon


Yes, two suckers for ice cream have resumed their "ice cream night" from last Saturday.
This is what my colleague/friend Cosiya and I do together in the end of every month. (Or every end of a month? Whatever!)


This is what I had: Lemon Sorbet and their anniversary flavor, which I can't remember the name. Both were pretty tasty, and suprisingly, not too sweet! The anniversary one tasted a little bit minty like candy cane.
It was nice to see the little surprises hiding in the ice cream - strawberry chocolate stars.   
watercolor + ink
I tried to make a drawing of the ice cream I had on Saturday, but I was too tired in the afternoon and the drawing turned out to be really, really bad. So on the next day, I made another one in the morning after breakfast.  

When you had enough bulls*its and bad lucks in your life, the good lucks come to you.

I was lucky enough to get a free drink in grande size at any Starbucks branches(in Taiwan) once I filled out an online questionnaire. To celebrite it, I made another drawing on Sunday.

watercolor + ink
It was my first time drawing coffee bubbles, I know they don't look so good because failed to mix the colors right. Need more exercise! Need more exercise!
acrylic color
My mom's artwork, totally different from my style.
I've been pursuading my mom to do more artworks, that way we can start an art blog. But she has been focusing on gardening recently, well, I hope this "new hobby" will last longer.
New member in the office - dragon fruit shoots.