Sunday, October 27, 2013

an absolutely different look

After nearly 8 years, I finally got me a new pair of glasses. Yay!

I will get the glasses on Wednesday, and I guess I will look totally different, maybe more stylish?

3 more days til my 29-year-old birthday, well I've been too busy to think about it, but it is still nice to have a good friend celebrate with me. (Love you! Cosiya)

Here's my weekly painting for my project.


The cone doesn't look so yummy I know, like the ice cream cone you got from a ice cream cart at some tourist attraction. lol  I wanted to draw a melting one, but  it was like EVERY ARTIST has already drawn that. So, I decided to try something different, plus, there was more to study from an ice cream cone like this. 

I finally got to get my mom some Laduree macaroons 'cos they currently opened a store at Breeze Center. I am happy my mom actually liked them a lot! :)

Rose petal and Orange Blossom. We both liked Rose Petal better! Got two more to try tonight: Caramel with Salted Butter and Pistachio! 

My new favorite fragrance! So me! 

My mental and spiritual food. For people who is into writing and fashion, just like me. 

A perfect working day starts with perfect accessories. Agree?

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