Sunday, October 27, 2013

an absolutely different look

After nearly 8 years, I finally got me a new pair of glasses. Yay!

I will get the glasses on Wednesday, and I guess I will look totally different, maybe more stylish?

3 more days til my 29-year-old birthday, well I've been too busy to think about it, but it is still nice to have a good friend celebrate with me. (Love you! Cosiya)

Here's my weekly painting for my project.


The cone doesn't look so yummy I know, like the ice cream cone you got from a ice cream cart at some tourist attraction. lol  I wanted to draw a melting one, but  it was like EVERY ARTIST has already drawn that. So, I decided to try something different, plus, there was more to study from an ice cream cone like this. 

I finally got to get my mom some Laduree macaroons 'cos they currently opened a store at Breeze Center. I am happy my mom actually liked them a lot! :)

Rose petal and Orange Blossom. We both liked Rose Petal better! Got two more to try tonight: Caramel with Salted Butter and Pistachio! 

My new favorite fragrance! So me! 

My mental and spiritual food. For people who is into writing and fashion, just like me. 

A perfect working day starts with perfect accessories. Agree?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

22 days after - busy, busier and busiest

Really, I've been too busy to tell what day today is. This is somehow a good thing to me, because I need a break from the previous relationship and a lot of b******t out of it. I know, I know there is a cute guy sitting behind me at work, a tall, handsome, well-mannered guy, who went to a top university. (cough) Anyways, he's my colleague and that's all.

Here's the only painting I did last week.

watercolor + acrylic + colored pencil

This was the first time I did a painting with acrylic pigment, which made the painting in a stronger "3-D" effect. The whipped cream in the painting looks like a real whipped cream! 

Not sure if it's just the dessert looks way too fantastic, I figure I didn't draw it good enough. What do you think?

My painting with a dark filter. I have to admit it look better than the original painting. Maybe it was just the color? The tone? Maybe...

New curtain made my night!

Got me this beautiful bangle and business card case from Fendi! Tribute to the greatest fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld! 

To the job that pays the bills! I am happy, if you ask me. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

about my project...

3rd week at my new job, busy and fast-paced. This morning, I just noticed a friend of my ex started following me on Instagram, and of course, I blocked her right away, without viewing any of her photos. Not sure what her intention was, but I am really SICK of anything related to him!  

Maybe it is too early to talk about my project right now because I just started working on it, but somehow, the idea of this project actually came from the break-up with my ex.    



I don't think I will be able to have my art book printed and sold by a publisher. So, I am just gonna make ONLY ONE art book, as a portfolio. Sounds good?  

Oktoberfest at Wendel's was awesome! Too much meat but never had enough beer!

I swear this is the last item of my birthday present! I won't get to celebrate my birthday overseas like I did in the past years, so I am literally making it up! 

Enough of my life! Ciao

Sunday, October 6, 2013

indie girl's life - 5 days after

It has been a long week, I hate being a newbie.

I took the job offer from this travel agency and declined an interview from a PR company based in Germany, and, the 2nd interview from THAT local PR company. Oh yea, apparently I passed the 1st interview. (rolling my eyes)

It was a hard decision because I had been wanting a PM job, however, it is harder to find a good boss like I said. So, that's it.

And this is how I treated myself.

Well this is the most efficient way to make a woman happy and relaxed. 

Good bye! 18 days of annual leave

Hello! Duty on the weekend

Even though I've been busy with my job and shopping, I still tried to make time for my current project - watercolor paintings of fragrances. As to my canvas bag painting, unfortunately I have to postpone the project because I know it's going to take a lot of work. 






For now I can only do one piece a week because I really don't have much time for myself. Hopefully, I will be able to finished this project before my birthday NEXT YEAR. I really wanna publish my own art book, or prints. 

Anyway, wish me good luck at work!