Sunday, September 9, 2012

This is a real drawing!

Here comes my weekly drawing! Yes, I've started drawing again with pencils and papers. :P

Found an art store near my home, well, 5 mins by MRT.

Got graphite pencils, water-soluble color pencils, a sketch book and a rubber eraser. The owner helped me a little because I had not shopped in an art store for ages.

I made a quick sketch the night I got my art supplies. The idea actually came from the movie "The Hunger Games", but in the movie they used little parachutes to deliver medical cream and soup. So I was thinking, it would be awesome to have someone delivered a sweet to you when you were in a bad mood.

Finally got it colored on Saturday, I spent more than 2 hours to get it done. This was a lot harder than digital painting. Phew~ Doesn't look too bad huh? ;)

And here comes the picture of my boy and I. I told him I really liked the fact we both liked drawing, even if we were in different styles. I need to make him draw more and post them up here.

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