Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rain rain go away

Yesterday mom and I had lunch at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant, everything was good till it started to rain on our way back home. Unfortunately none of us brought an umbrella, so, we got soaking wet... FML

When we got home, I made these drawings of "Teruteru Bouzu(照る照る坊主)".

This is a traditional one, with its signature smile.

And the "moe(萌)" one.

And the Kuso one, my favorite for sure.

Japanese people hang this stuff(doll) on the rainy days praying for good weather. "Bouzu" means "monk" or ''shaven-headed'; "teru" means "shine"(not meaning its head),

Sunday, August 5, 2012

You got animal balls in your mouth!

I had been wanting to draw this for a long time.

First saw this on a show of TLC, and it surprised me. I thought only Asians ate animal testicles, apparently I was wrong. Americans do too! You can find this special dish in Colorado, where people emasculated the bulls to make them less masculine, and the removed testicles became a local delicacy. 

The host Adam(yes, it was "Man v.s Food") said it tasted really good, and it did look delicious! But I wonder I would try it if I had a chance.  

Rocky Mountain Oysters are not OYSTERS! 

heart broke into pieces...

My beloved Tokidoki keychain broke...

David got it for me together with Tokidoki makeups at Sephora back in 2010, the year we started dating. I still keep it, because it brings back memories.

A few days later, I found this JC keychain at a stall on a "family sale". But, it cost way too much even if  it was on sale! Can you believe I paid 50 bucks for this?